One day near Yosemite - What to do?
When was the last time you had a chance to get away with the family? Yosemite is a quick drive away from the Central Valley, and it's a perfect choice for a quick 2 day Staycation. Nature helps us all to relax. A very humbling experience to say the least. Lodging is available: (559) 683-7720 SAMPLE WEEKEND: YOSEMITE, California 4,000 feet Elevation marker off Highway 41 North, to photograph the sunrise 6:00 am , do it loved ones, it's beautiful Lewis Trail for a morning hike 7:30 am, just to get the heart going a bit Drive to the Yosemite Valley Explore until about 5:00 pm Dinner @ the Narrow Gauge Inn 7:00 pm @ the Buffalo Bar & Restaurant Bring the children, and the Pets if you'd like..... OR, leave them with family to love for the weekend. There are many things to do in Yosemite, Oakhurst, Mariposa, and the surrounding areas. *See the Yosemite...