Anti-Recidivism Movement to help build stronger community relationships between police and civilians

As a community we can do more to provide leadership and mentorship to help keep people out of jail. This starts with building relationships at the ground level, between police officers and the general public.

Trust, Credibility, and Rapport have been lost by the "BRAND" of police work that has been going on in the United States. A few officers have tarnished the honorable duty of many, by their careless actions.

What is the #AntiRecidivismMovement ?

We start conversations about things that are hard to talk about.

We help to make the things that are hard to talk about, 
and little bit less hard to talk about.

We give police officers and the community a neutral starting point, where officers approach the community, by building relationships with Leadership.

We must work together to build a more understanding and tolerant community around us.

When a person is released from jail or incarceration, 
are they normally given information and education about recidivism?

Do most people who work in police stations and jails 
even know what this word means?
A N T I R E C I D I V I S M 

Anti-Recidivism Movement
Prison Reform

We are creating the largest body of music designed to keep youth inspired and doing good things.

Many popular songs that our youth listen to, 
give them a roadmap or blueprint to end up in incarcerated.

Our mission is to record 100 songs with a real-life message, recorded by real music recording artists, who want to contribute to such a great cause.

100 Music beats were donated to the movement!

Learn more about this movement

How did this all start?

# # # # 

Capítulo de Veteranos Pro - Cannabis Medicinal, Inc.
Puerto Rico

Many military veterans end up incarcerated because they do not have the proper 
mental health treatment when returning home from military service

Proper treatment of mental health issues are a part of anti-recidivism


Prepared by
George Ohan
U.S. Army veteran


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